The energy train has left the station. It is rediculous how much energy there has been in the past two months. So What Has Happened that I know this. Well I told you that I was inbetween jobs, right, well I started the new job one month ago and that is why I haven't done much on here. So anyway, after I started I started to notice how negative that my employer was. It bothered me so much that I had to start grounding myself all the time at work. Also everyday it seemed as if I did something wrong so that he had to yell at me for a petty reason. But as soon as I became unweary about keeping my job he backed off and became my buddy. There was too much condradictory things happening. Also the biggest thing that he told me was to take notes so that I could refer back to them, well in the sales business that doesn't look to professional on my part. Also he brought the issue of religion up TOO much that it got sickening. (A topic for another time) Soon I had enough so on Tuesday I told my boss that it wasn't going to work out. I don't regret a thing. I am now happier as a person and now able to see where these energies are coming from. If you have any idea please put them in the comments below.
Ryan Danke
Healing Tree
[email protected]
Hey y'all,
Well it was a little disappointing that not very many of you actually posted to this blog... at all...
But none-the-less people posted so drum roll please...


You will soon be recieving an email from me so we can set up a time that we can spend one hour together.

I am so excited.

And next time make sure that you sign up for my giveaways. YAY!